Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Correct Link To Second Life Guide

I posted up the wrong link, this is the correct one.

Click Here

Particles Moved Faster Than Speed of Light?

Some scientists claimed that certain particles called "Neutrinos" move faster than the speed of light!
If this ends up being right, then all physics textbooks will need to update the any part that talks about light being the fastest thing, and Albert Einstein's theory will remain a part of the history.

Please click here to read the article!

Second Life Guide

I thought this might be useful for those who missed class or may have missed the process of installing Second Life on their computer.

Video Link
Click Here

History of the Internet

Here is the video from class today.


Through readings I found a couple terms to post that probably are in our social media verbage used everyday.

Commons: a general term for shared resources in which each stakeholder has equal interest.

Common-Pool: (CPRs) resoures that are natural or man made where one person's use subtracts from anothers person's use and where it is often necessary, but difficult and costly, to exclude other users outside the group from using the resources.

Andrew, if you could give me an example of common-pool. Not quite sure what that means.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

$$$ Facebook.

About four days ago all over facebook were message and post about there being a price added every. About 25 percent of all of my friends 1624 friends were going on frenzys about the cost and how they would be going back to Myspace or join Twitter. Alot of post and videos were made check this one out your definately gonna be surpirsed ! Click the link below !

Hijacker Missing for four decades captured !

Im started to explore outside my usual music and fashion sites . I took a look at CNN and found a compelling story that you guys might like . I also would like to say without being in this class i probably would never seek interest in such news or web organizations !! So Kudos to you !

Health Insurers Push Premiums Sharply Higher

Click here

Is Facebook the new Big Brother

Facebook started rolling out their new features in recent weeks. However the really big ones will be out soon. Facebook will have an entirely different look and feel to it very soon. I have been doing some research and I just came accross this article from my friends at PJTV. They have sumed up a lot of the little bits and pieces into one amazing article that gives great insight into the new facebook and what its social, economical and political ramifications could be. There is a lot of discussion that could be useful for our class in this article.
Click Here for the story


Same Old Vikings

Ok, so I wouldn't call myself a hard-core Vikings fan but, each year I get excited for the start of the season. I would actually think that this is going to be the year they finally bring home a superbowl. Now usally its not until the end of the season or at least until mid-season, when they implode and I lose interest and stop watching until they make some corrections and start winning again. However, they have totally out done themselves this. With an 0-3 start I no longer have to worry about watching the games on Sunday. The biggest frustration is that they finally have a front line that will allow the QB enough time in the pocket to make a play. If this front line was there for Bret Farve then last season could have been amazing. I would see Farve get knocked to the ground, play after play after play but his heart was in it. He wanted the victory and the superbowl every second he was on that field. But this year, our washed up old hack of a QB is out there just going through the motions, happy to collect a paycheck and nothing more. I watch him out there and he has no drive or determination. It's like he has it on auto pilot. This is really unfortunate because I was pleased when Fraiser was announced as the new head coach. I had high hopes once again for this season but it looks like my disappointment has come extra early this year. It's the same old Vikings.

The Tradegy of Commons

From what I can gather "The Tragedy of the Commons" refers to the problem of over population, and the destruction of natural resources based upon economic growth. I may be completely wrong, but the way I see it is like this. Lets take estuaries of Southern Florida for example. A individual contractor may see this as unused real estate that could be better used to build condos, golf courses, the whole nine yards. So that particular contractor is willing to sacrifice the local ecology, the benefit of the swamps being a carbon sink, local fishermen, etc, for his personal gain in the short-term, as opposed to thinking about all the long-term necessities of the previously mentioned attributes. I think the article is arguing the concept that our world is a finite one. A grow capacity will be reached someday and there will not be enough resources to support the population. Of course I may be totally wrong and off based. What I think about is that in some parts of the world this trend has actually reversed itself and presented itself problematic. Look at Greece for example. The government of Greece lowered the retirement age, and in turn had it's birth rate lowered due to education, health care, etc. This trend influenced the economic collapse of Greece, the social security could not be supported by the available work force. I am sure there is a lot more to the problem than that, but I wanted to play devil's advocate for a minute. And, Professor Carlson, if I was completely off about the reading, please take it easy on me.

help ! Don't understand my readings

I am desperately struggling to understand our readings. Flipping from article to article to hopefully catch something I can understand.
I am so confused with "The Tragedy of the Commons"!
I have not gotten any viable information COCO?
I am bummed but yet willing get feedback or info.
Signed lost and confused :(

Monday, September 26, 2011

Working Place Invasion?

Tyler makes a good point. Are potential employees looking at social media sites as an indication to the type of worker your going to be? It looks like in the modern age that this is more and more a possibility. That raises an important question, is that an invasion of privacy, or what you put out into cyberspace is fair game for the world to see/use? I am divided on that issue. On one side your personal life is your personal life and should not be used against you in your professional life. They are two separate realms. What you do in your spare time does not affect your work performance, or does it? If an individual is comfortable enough to post incriminating pictures of themselves then it could be considered an indicator of the person you are and thus corresponds to the type of employee you would be. If a party image is portrayed by an individual then wouldn't the logical conclusion be that there may be problems with tardiness, and productivity? I do not know. This may open Pandora's box in the world of employer's rights and restrictions. I suspect that there will have to be legal implications to settle this matter. I would not be surprised if a case like this reached the Supreme Court, and soon at that. As the saying goes, "time will tell".

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Becareful what you post , that could get you fired or it could effect hire.

Your employer or potential employer may be watching .. Here's ways to protect yourself and the scoop on how to prevent getting in trouble in the work place.

Iphone taking OVER !

How many of you have Version , At&T or Sprint .. well guess what guys Sprint is supposedly bringing the Iphone 4 and 5 within the next three weeks , This isn't any particular phone its a super phone , ipod and computer. CHECK IT OUT

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Behind the times

I was thinking about the article to said that Twitter has reached 100 million users. I have never been on there once, I am not sure that I know how to use it. That got me thinking, I may be behind the times. I was talking to a younger person today and I could not figure out if their sense of style was one of irony/hipness or if he just really liked mullets. Again the sediment that I may be getting older occurred to me. I never thought the phrase, "kids these days" would be uttered from these mouth but I found myself muttering that exact axiom on several occasions. What pertains to media studies is this; am I missing out of networking opportunities because of my lack of social networking skills? I am beginning to slowly but surely realize the answer to that question is yes. Darn glad I am in a class to help me explore the possibilities.

5 Ways to Pick the Right College Major

Choosing a college major; we all know how frustrating that is. So, I was going through an article which cites 5 tips that could help a person to pick a college major.
1. Wait until college
2. Do not wait too long
3. Curiosity won't kill
4. Make sure it's your passion
5. Be aware of the exceptions to these these rules

To read the full article please go to the following link: http: //

Monday, September 19, 2011

Not to harp on the 9/11 attacks... but one more comment. I was watching C-SPAN, in particular Senator Rand Paul. He was talking about the need to lessen security, and restrictions on domestic fliers that fly frequently. Sen. Paul proposed that more time should be spent on examining manifests, and focusing on "suspicious" characters. That seems like blatant racial profiling, but on the other hand my selfish side speaks up, and I think about what a tremendous hassle it is to fly these days. That made me think, am I willing to condone profiling for personal gain? That is a hard question. I honestly do not know. I do not want to partake in stereotyping/racism, but I also do not want to wait in security for two hours every time I fly. This summer I had knee surgery, and I had to fly with a metal knee brace on. Let me tell you what a fiasco that was. I understood the guidelines, so I did not complain, but let me tell you I got to know the TSA agent "intimately". It was almost humorous, but necessary. So to answer my question, I would say it depends on the day you ask me. Today I would opt to not allow ethnic, racial, or religious profiling standards be set, but ask me right before a flight with the arduous task of security to deal with I would maybe have a different perspective. Sad, but honest.
9/11 Site

a litte humor

Ok so I decide to join a club. I will not mention the club name. I joined for several reasons. 1) getting involved with that particular subject more, 2) It is a great networking tool, 3) It looks good on the resume, 4) lots more reasons ~those are just some.
I suggest to communicate through blogging right? Now there are more seniors and juniors and I really am a freshman- not to mention not only the "only" freshman. Not one of them really had any clue what I was talking about and to top it off, 2 of say 8 of us didn't even have an email address...
Youre Kidding right? Who does this? LOL

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14th, 2011

Click here to read about Second Life

cannot comment on others posts

I still cannot comment on someone elses post!

social media words

Through our readings, these are words that were unknown to me.
WELL - Whole Earth Ledtronic Link
IRL- In real Life
YMMV-Your mileage may vary

Remembering vs. Serving on 9/11

I was thinking about the recent debate I have heard about the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took place on 9-11-2001. I was a bit disappointed with the Presidents remarks about 9-11 should be a day of service. Though I believe serving should be a big part of each of our daily routines, I think the main point about 9-11 is still and should always remain about remembering. Serving is a personal decision that should lie with the individual. We all have various gifts, talents, interests, abilities and even tragedy that can be used to better our family, friends and community. Yes, there were many acts of service on 9-11 and that is awesome and in many cases heroic, but is it because of a National tragedy that thrust so many into acts of service? There needs to be a time where we stop and remember because in doing so it offers us a chance to reflect and evaluate and to make corrections in our personal life if need be. I believe 9-11 should serve to Americans as a milestone to which we remember the awful events of that day. Many cultures throughout history created monuments as a way to remember. I believe 9-11 should be a day of remembrance and to realize that as a human being I may not be where I want to be but I can see just how far I have come since that last milestone.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Remote Control, With a Wave of a Hand

Playing a computer game once meant sitting on the couch and pushing buttons on a controller, but those buttons have been disappearing of late, replaced by human gestures that guide the action.

The 12th largest cities has rising poverty rate

Hey yall !!
The U.S. Census Bureau did a poll and surprise surprise ...MN is rising poverty rare keep reading at

Monday, September 12, 2011

The news coverage of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11/attacks has made me wonder, is the coverage becoming more about the hype than it is about the remembrance of the brave individuals who lost their lives on that terrible Tuesday morning? So what do you guys think? Is the coverage done tastefully? What would you change?

Erskine Bowles, Clinton Chief of Staff, Joins Facebook board

From Politico:

Bowles joins Facebook

Does anyone have any thoughts about how Facebook uses the information you provide through your social network habits? What is the potential risk of political insiders being involved in social networks, and how does this affect your thinking about how you use it?

- Andrew

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Did you miss Fashion Night Out or WEEK ?

I just found out about it , you fashionista's & Fashionfella's will love it !


I thought I would share this link with you all. I use it quite a bit for my papers. It always helpful to find different words ~ Synonyms

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Interview on ABC News about teens being more & more addicted to Facebook

This link ( ), talks about how Facebook has been affecting teenagers lives (more often in a negative way than a positive one) since it has been created. Once, teens get to the point of being ''addicted'' to that kind of social network. You can clearly see how that could destroy them at some level. When a teenager spends 4 to 5 hours a day on Facebook (or even more than that in some cases), this person is more likely to get lower grades, spend less time with his family, will be struggling on making new offline friends other than Facebook ones.

Twitter Reaches 100 Million Active Users

Talking about Twitter, below comes a link that was published in New York times web page. Clearly, Twitter founders are now celebrating what was unexpected when they first created twitter; this last has now more than 100 million active users.

My two virtual communities

Following is the link of the NY times blog (I'm a member of it):

I am also a member at ; it is a website where you can play pool with other people from all over the world, and chat with them as well.

Bi-partying division

Click here

President Obama is set to reveal a new job bill early next week. The President hopes that the legislation will be passed quickly on the basis that the key points are similar to those that the Republicans and Democrats have agreed on historically. The bill includes extended unemployment benefits, rebuilt schools and infrastructure, and a tax hike to those who fall in the top 2% income bracket. The house Republicans are already planning a block to the proposed legislation stating that the previous stimulation package did not work so this is another attempt that is destined to fail.
With all of us in school, and hoping for future employment my question is this. When will our representatives stop their bi-party bickering and realize that is the people they were elected to represent that pay the price? Constant blockage, and lobbying to get the upper-hand in the next election is causing suffering to the American public. Do not get me wrong, I am not making an anti-GOP rant, because the Democrats would be doing the same thing if a Republican were in office. To me it comes down to when is enough really enough. It seems to me that our elected officials have lost touch to the "average Joe". In a time where unemployment rates, and market recession are dominant isn't it time to put allegiances aside and work together to repair our slumping economy. Get the economy under control, and then they can go back to the good ole days of lobbying, and defamation of character that has come to define American politics. That is my take on the situation, but then again what do I know?

Obama's job plan.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Debate on Pornography

During our discussion in class today I searched this interesting article in relation to what Andrew was talking about whether Pronography achieves the intimacy of person to person or not. This articles sees it from both sides, the pros and cons.
"Pros and Cons of Porn" by Heather Horn from the Atlantic Wire
It also talks about the addiction of pornography.

Assignment #3-My debate

Assignment # 3.- Debate on article, post, article.
Click here

After reading this article, I believe this is a "hate crime" due to several strong points with the statements and the actual 14 mile drive. I do not agree that the other 5 involved are not locked up without bail; as this could water down any evidence or possible deploytation.
The media mentions two vehicles at the crime scene that drove there. They indicate one of the drivers (Dedmon) but leave out the other driver? Why?
The media author also contradicts himself about where the victim is located after the beating when the truck runs him over. Is he staggering to his truck or is he stumbling to the motel front entrance?
Is the media author of African-American Heritage? Is the proscecuting attorney of African-American Heritage? They are very biased; however, I do agree this crime is premeditated Hate crime.
The media author does not mention of any witnesses either. why or why not?
The media author also does not mention the time of night this is? Is it 8pm? midnight? "weee" hours of the morning? This could explain the reason for no witnesses is all.

link to local news

I know most local news is typically not a positive; but hopefully you can find something positive about my local link.

What is the definition of "Cached" mean when I see this at the bottom of a link or site?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Family Time is Valuable

I had a great time camping with my family this past weekend. Its a rare opportunity for us all to be together outside of holidays. Both my brothers were there with my 6 nieces and nephews. The highlights of course were the nightly campfires. There is nothing better than sitting around the campfire roasting marsh mellows. Other highlights were the many rides on the golf carts, swimming, a little game of kick ball and the huge amount of food cooked on the grill.

internet is not the enemy

While i was reading the New Perspective article m, i found it very interesting to know that scholars thought that community was ruined by internet based things , but then i found this article which suggest much different ... take a look !
this link should work !

after the weekend post

Good Morning everyone:
I thought I would blog after the weekend to see what people of my era knew about social media, communities, and words that associate with this subject. I find it quite funny how the era of age 36-51 cannot contribute or add much -really nothing to the social media world. I was with 8 different couples throughout the boating weekend on the St Croix/Mississippi and not a one of them really could add to my minimal knowledge of this. This tells me a couple things. If this social media is the way of the future; then I would suggest they provide this education to their employees. Secondly; is it maybe not used as much in union jobs/employers? Because most of the folks I was with were union workers; such as school district, pipe fitter, engineer, pediatric optomologist. None of these "good paying" job folks new a thing~ ok they knew about You Tube...

Monday, September 5, 2011

My community

i belong to various communitys such as the fashion , hip-hop and ambitious all these communities are what make me tyler . The first link im posting will be for a hip hop magazine named vibe , this is very much so apart of me because of the wisdom , raunchyness and blunt but humorous approach . CHECK IT OUT
Another community i rely on is my fashion community , i identify with is , this community of mine completes me .
check this communities out , this may help to visualize what the readings were about .


Community hasn’t disappeared, it has only changed.  Industrialization and the migration of people to larger cities didn’t damage community it just changed how communities are formed.  People still get the same things from their communities even if their community consists of people on the other side of the world rather than their next door neighbor.

Friday, September 2, 2011

My Community

The two community that I'm involved in includes the Union of Concern Scientists and a really awesome cooking website