Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween everyone!

Oh No, Not Halloween Again
by Paul Curtis
It’s that time of year again, Halloween
Oh how I hate it and its practitioners
All year round we tell our children
“Don’t accept sweets from strangers”
We instill in them from an early age
“Don’t ever approach or talk to strangers”
Then at Halloween we send them out
To ask for sweets at the doors of strangers When children dressed as monsters Terrorize the neighbourhood
Begging from door to door
Demanding sweets and treats
For not vandalizing your property
The older children or should I say yobs Wear masks and disguise them selves Clearly training for a life of crime
A yob in a funny outfit is still a yobIt’s that time of year again
The night of night to ignore the doorbell
Its not twee or cute it’s just annoying
I try to be polite when I shoo them from my door
But I know I will get up next morning
With fake blood smeared on the front door
Eggs smashed on my windscreen
And rubbish strewn across my garden
God I hate Halloween and its practitioners.

Marilyn & JFK

Hi folks-
I am doing a paper on this photo I am attaching. Any great social networking site to gain more knowledge, gossip, or other is greatly appreciated.

Also, Please provide me your input and what you get out of this picture okay.
Thank you

Marily & JFK

Sunday, October 30, 2011

User generated society?

I was thinking about last week's discussion. I am still shocked that a large segment of the Internet is user generated. I never thought capitalism would get a run for it's money in America. That goes to show you how often I am wrong. Does the proponents of capitalism have anything to worry about? A true version of socialism is already working in the virtual world. Will that ever leak over to the practical world in America? I don't know. I think the word "socialism" has become too taboo in our society. That has been purposefully done over the years to further the capitalistic model. Now a days just saying that word equates to being unpatriotic. So the question remains, can a template such as the one being used on the Internet work in the "real" world. I think it would still take a very long time, lots of work, and is not very likely to be adopted by America. But I also never thought it could possible in any realm of American life. So, one will never know. Maybe one day our society will become more user generated.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Founder Says WikiLeaks, Starved of Cash, May Close

Click here to watch the video!

My 10min Presentation

Hello class,

My 10min presentation for week 10 will be on the article:



Virus Infects Computers in Japan’s Parliament

TOKYO — Computers in Japan’s Parliament have been found to be infected with a virus, officials said on Tuesday, the latest in a series of mysterious cyberattacks that have raised concerns about the leakage of sensitive information.
ersonal computers used by three members of the lower house, as well as possibly a computer server, were infected by the virus, the top government spokesman, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura, told reporters. He did not give details, but local media reports said the virus apparently had been used to hack into computers sometime in the past three months. The reports said log-in information and e-mails may have been stolen.
Click here to read more

Obama act to save underwater homeowner

President Obama been brainstorming on a plan to save underwater homeowners and there neighbors and community from having there homes forclosed . I was extremely relieved when i heard his presentation because foreclosure is becoming more relevant in my community within the last four years . The percentage of forclousure has went up seven percent within the last few years . This will forsure help many families, what do you think ? how has your life or community changed due to foreclosure ?

The Cloquet district could be putting kids life endanger . what do you think ?

The Cloquet School District has denied a parent’s request to move a bus stop away from a sex offender’s house. Continue reading @

Keeping your waistline small while still enjoying haloween candy !

It’s true that a lot of the candies filling store shelves this time of year can be a huge recipe for diet disaster . The link below will help you enjoy the festives but still cure your sweet tooth ..

looking to for a new job here is a new way to spice up your resume

Click the link below to add and revamp your dusty resume .These four details will definitely help you put your best foot forward for that new job .

Tyler, Sheng, Paige??? Are you out there

10/25/11 Hi Ladies- I see there hasn't been anymore discussion on our Youtube video.
In this weeks reading "Purpose" - It talks about Community and what brings success. So it got me thinking about how sucessful our idea on this video is. Questions we need to ask ourselves:
1. What is it's purpose? Is it a clear purpose?
2. What are it's goals? Are the goals being met?
3. Who is our audience? Who is it affecting? Why is it affecting

I am not sure what the status of everyone is but participation is a good thing!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Tech Crunch info

Heads Up - Gossip!

Strong Message: Advocacy Video

I guess video does play a very important part in getting a message across or to change people's mind about certain advocacy. This video clip is about wearing seat belt.
Click Here

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Job Plan
It seems that Congress has not gotten the point. With a election year coming the American people have taken the backseat to party lobbying. I know I have blogged about this before, but it just drives me nuts. Who knows whether the plan would work in reality, but don't you think it deserves a chance? I guess I could do some advocacy if I were really passionate. Maybe this is just the catalyst I need.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Advocacy Thoughts

After our class meeting yesterday, I began to think. I have been told that I have strong beliefs, ideals, and can be stubborn. But in all my years I have never been compelled to join an advocacy group, demonstration, etc. Is it that I have never found a passion I am passionate about, or is it that I am an armchair idealist? I would prefer the first explanation. But the question begs to be asked. Am I really willing to actually take action for a cause? I hope so. Maybe it has to be something that has affected me personally? That sounds pretty selfish I know, but that is how you get started in advocacy. Baby steps, so to speak. I want to help change social ills. Sometimes I think who can one person do anything? But, that's the point I guess, people coming together to form collective action to be effective. It all starts with the decision to take action by one person. I have yet to take that action, but there is always tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I don't know if all of you received this email but I thought I post it up on Blog just in case some of you may not have received it.
Facebook. YouTube. Wikis.
Learn to use these tools to advocate for what really matters.
MDST 485: Communicating with New Media.
Instructor: Andrew Carlson.
4 credits.
Saturdays, 9:00-12:20, Midway.
Prerequisite: COMM 171 OR WRIT 280.
This class is a requirement for the Professional Writing track in the new Technical
Communication and Professional Writing major. It is an elective for the
Technical Communication track.This course provides you with the
opportunity to effectively promote and advocate for events, organizations, or
issues using a variety of social media and multi-media. You’ll combine blogging
with other forms of social networking and media (wikis, YouTube, Facebook and/or
Twitter) to promote a timely and relevant issue. For more information
about the course, contact

Update on Occupy Wall Street

"Gone Global"
Here is a video about OWS (News Update) from youtube. It already has over
85, 000 views and was only posted on Oct. 15, 2011.

Land of the Free, Home of the Poor

You Might find this interesting?

Monday, October 17, 2011

I do not know why it did not link in my post.

Third exercise. Criticism of website.

I chose to review the official Tea Party website. I base my criticism on the content or ideals of the Tea Party, not the actual lay out of the site. Having a political science background, not a technological background, I felt it was apropos.
The criticism lies within the first two lines. The Tea Party calls themselves believers of "time-honored American values, principles, and systems". My understanding is that the Tea Party assumes that less government in big business is the path America's future should follow for salvation. I understand the point they are trying to make, that America was founded on the principle of freedom from monarchy rule, and the taxes that were imposed by the incumbent government without any representation to influence our economic future. But, that is only the beginning. The Constitution was also based the notion that ALL men were created equality, and should be treated as such. In my opinion the Tea Partier's believe that government regulation should be lessen within the economy is contradictory to this founding principle.
I feel that regulation is reduced that big business will become another tyrant that our founding fathers fought against. Unchecked greed creates a poverty vacuum that is almost impossible to escape. If the rich increasing get richer and the poor get increasing poorer there would never be room for growth within a certain social class. Inherited wealth would soon dominant the "free-market" and there would not be much chance at changing that. If the government were to step back and deregulate all economic sanctions, monopolies would amass, minimum wage would plummet, etc. The U.S. could become a country similar to China. I mean low wages, and harsh work conditions would become the norm. I agree that is a bit far-fetched, but a possibility if the Tea Party agenda were to be adopted and left unchecked.
That brings me to my second point, checks and balances. Our government is in fact a republic, not a "true democracy". It is written in to our Constitution that no one power would gain too much control. The founding father's built in separation of powers, judicial review, and the electoral college to balance any one branch of the government against another. Where I am going with this is this, if our economy was to be deregulated that would cause one power, big business, to go beyond the reach of checks and balances that our government is created upon.
Greed can be a powerful force. Powerful enough to be dictate decisions, and build a tyrannical class if left unsuppressed. But that is just my opinion.

Breaking News

Do you want to always be informed of breaking news. Sign up here.

"Tyler" this could be especially for you -:)


Wow Is the best way to describe this.

Sheng, Paige, and Tyler:
Not that this link is anything but what caught my eye is the sentence with "Wow" in it and it made me open the link.
Should we maybe try this on our Youtube video?

Sheng did you also correct the "Tobacco" spelling?

Thank you and see you all Wednesday.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Text > Talk

According to a new study from the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 31% of American adults prefer text messages to phone calls.  

For the most part I agree.  Attending class, driving, working...all reasons why I prefer text messages over calls most of the time.  It is also preferable if you just need to pass along info that doesn't require a reply.  

OWS Protests

It looks like the Occupy Wall Street protests are continuing to spread.  Maybe even to Idaho...
Click HERE

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

U.S. Takes Gymnastics Title Despite Injury to Captain

TOKYO (AP) — The United States won its third women’s team title at the world gymnastics championships on Tuesday, establishing itself as the team to beat next summer at the London Olympics. The Americans never missed a beat despite losing Alicia Sacramone, the captain of the Beijing Olympics team, to an Achilles’ injury.

The United States scored 179.411 points and beat Russia, the defending champion, by 4 points. The Americans did not miss a single routine in qualifying or the team finals, and counted just one score below 14.5 on Tuesday night.

It was the first world title for the United States women since 2007.

China, the Olympic champion, was a distant third. Romania, a traditional power, was fourth.

Losing Sacramone to a torn Achilles last Thursday seemed like a huge blow. Sacramone is the team leader, and she puts up huge scores on the vault, where she’s the defending world champion; balance beam; and floor exercise.

But instead of collapsing, the Americans became stronger, immediately throwing down a challenge to the Russians with three huge scores on the vault.

The teams moved to uneven bars, and Russia pared the American lead to about 1.5 points, but came no closer.

Protests are Spreading in the Main States of The U.S.

Please click here to read the full article!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mass phone companys losing billions

For most blackberry users theres a messaging unit called BBM which is a messaging instant engine that allows you to communitcate freely with no additional cost . Within the next few weeks apples will be doing the same , this is set out to take away billions from major companies .
Side note : you could save up to twenty dollars per line with this feature.

Lynx work wonders.

The lady Lynx have won there first wnba championship !!!!!
The team was honored with a downtown parade Tuesday and a rally at Target Center, with an estimated 15,000 people lined up along the route and about 5,000 fans inside the arena to cheer and hear from the players.
SideNote: this is amazing for minnesoata because the vikes are pretty suckie right now !!! so lets all rejoice.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Second Life trial run

Ok so my dip into the virtual world did not turn me into a hermit, but it was interesting nonetheless. To interact with people that may thousands, scratch that, tens of thousands miles away was amazing. To be able to share the same place, at the same time was fun. But, can't we already do that? Isn't that is what a phone is for? Yes I understand that you are interacting with people you do not know, and would not normally interact and would not be able to do that with a phone, but to me thats the point. I do not know them, and communicating via Second Life does not give me an idea of who/what you really are. Online provides the ability for a false persona, and how is that bridging cultural gaps? In fact it is limiting your cultural expansion by keeping a person indoors, and not experiencing the physical world, in my opinion. The best way to get a taste of the different is to actual experience it, and I just do not see that is possible through a computer screen. That's my take on it at least.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kids under the age of 18 are never treated as adults, unless if they commit a murder! Do you think that is fair?

I'm taking a Criminal Justice course this semester and I was very surprised to hear that, in the U.S. kids (at the age of 14-15-16) most of the time are treated as adults if they commit a murder. They're thrown in prisons (rather than juvenile centers) with adults who are 10, 20, 30 years older than them. They get the same sentence as adults do, which is in most murder cases; serving a life sentence in prison.
Personally, I think this law is unfair. If kids are treated as non adults, as immature people in everything they do. So why not treating them as kids even in the worse cases? Instead of throwing the in prisons for life, why don't we put them in juvenile centers with other kids their age, get them involved in different activities that could make them change in a positive way, have them spend an important amount of time there, make them feel the seriousness of what they did, then set them free!
I just thought I'd share this with you guys, and see what you all think :)


Second Life

Good morning all!
I am trying to log into second life, but It's giving me a little hard time, I hope I'll be able to log in a.s.a.p.

Second Life

This will be my first dabble with the virtual world. I am pretty excited. This may open up a whole new world for me. You may never see me again. Kidding, but I will see y'all there.

Second Life

Good morning all-
I dabbled on Second Life over the weekend with my two sons. I learned something that may be somewhat important if you get lost or cant find your friends on here.
Use the "fly" (I don't have it up right now, but its in with the laugh, sing, etc. )
Pgup -makes you go in the air by holding down the key
pgdwn-makes your come down.
See you in a couple hours!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dont be waiting by the phone for the Iphone 5

Apple has had the biggest response for the new iphone 5 that was reportedly going to sprint .. well that wont be happening anytime soon their new phone 4s its way faster , smarter and explosiveness in a phone. Great video !
heres the link

Group Project Video "Legalizing Marijuana"

Hi Class.
So far this is the first video we have uploaded to our Youtube account. Please view it and feel free to comment on in by clicking on the link below which will take you to the youtube website.

Click Here

Thank You.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Group project

Hey John,
What is the name of the Wiki-Spaces page you created again?

News sites

In class you asked us to share what site we get our news from. Like I said I use xfinity, the default site for xfinity Internet. This is not by choice. The first things that pop up are things from TV like the latest happenings on Desperate Housewives, or whatever the case be. I just bookmark the news sites I actually look at. I have The New York Times, CNN, and The Guardian, a UK liberal media site. I will look at other sites if need be, but those seem to do the job. I guess I should just make one of those my home site, but secretly I kind of like to be updated in the world of entertainment. Kidding, or am I?